Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Final days of summer..

Down to our final days of summer here in New Hampshire, makes me stomach sick to think we have to go back to California soon. I keep getting asked the same question over and over when are we moving here. Believe me if it was up to us, I would send for my dogs and leave it all and never go back. But the California court system doesn't work that way its not a cheap or easy process. The last time Both Billy and I were not married, didn't have a long relationship history, and their were lies told on the stand about us both, and it didn't help out our case.

The judge had to go off what she was told and what she could see on paper. She doesn't know how great of a man Billy is, what a wonderful provider he is, and how he volunteers his time at church each Saturday, and then works on graphics and other things during the week for them. He does this with out boasting, or bragging. He does this for this faith for our GOD. The Judge doesn't know that he drops what ever he is doing to go talk with a friend who is struggling, or offers them a place to stay when things are bad.  She doesn't know the man who will climb a ladder to clean the ice dam off his sisters roof in freezing weather so it doesn't cause damage to her house. He goes to his friends house in the dead of summer to help move a huge bolder in their back yard. He doesn't do any of these things for money, pats on the back or bragging rights, he does these because he is a man of honor. If only they could see the man I see in him each and every day.

Last night was the last family dinner for us this summer. It was our families turn to cook. It was nice to feel like part of the family by cooking for everyone. We made Chicken, Ribs, rice pilaf, corn on the cob, garden salad and corn muffins. Everything turned out great except for the chicken which I was afraid of, It was dry. Cooking chicken breast for that many people ahead of time, I just cant seem to keep it from drying out :/
Isn't she beautiful? Inside and out!
I have so many people I am praying for lately I feel like I need to keep a book for them all so I don't miss any. My best friend Carrie is back in the hospital again. I wish the Dr.s would figure out what is wrong and just stop throwing medications at her all the time. My heart breaks for her and her family. I know it cant be easy. I know for her daughter how it feels, I remember when My dad was so sick and always in the hospital. I never knew what was going on and if he was going to live or die. It always had my stomach in knots when I went to see him, because I knew he was in so much pain and I couldn't make it better. I sorta get the same way when I see her so helpless in bed. But I know me breaking down is not going to help her any. So I suck it put on a smile and do my best to make her smile, even if it comes down to me being a retard just to make her laugh.

Jenn and her first Donor Jody

My niece Jennifer is down in San Fransisco having a liver transplant. She had a partial lobe transplant done but complications from that left her in need of a whole liver from a cadaver. Fortunately and unfortunately someone passed on that was a match for Jenn, and she went in to surgery this morning. I haven't gotten word yet how it has went but I have been praying all day for her. I have also prayed for the family who lost their child for peace in knowing they are helping to save so many other lives by donating her/his organs. I wish more people seen the benefits of this life saving gift.

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