Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Another day down & my frustrations with people

Another day closer to D day. We leave Friday, day after tomorrow. Tomorrow is packing day. I dread this. Everyone does. The kids are looking for ways to come back already an trying to plan our next trip. I just tell them soon.

Had a nice evening sitting on the patio with my family an MIL. Drinks an good conversation!! Nothing beats it :)

First off I'm not calling anyone out, but if you read this an think it's about YOU maybe you need to check your self an how your living your life. (rant) I find it hard to bite my tongue when people lie. Even more so about things that don't mean two peas worth, an they know they are going to get caught on it. Also when they make up fake excuses for things. Just own it. We all tell lies to cover up a surprise or to keep from hurting someone's feelings, but some people lie out right an don't know how to not lie. It's so frustrating. (/rant)


  1. You know.... I understand what it's like to be the new kid on the block. I CERTAINLY understand what it's like when people doubt your truest intentions when they haven't really given a fair amount of time in getting to know the real you. That is beyond what they "believe" to be true, and that is mostly what they assume to be true. The strange truth of it all is no one has the right to sit back and pass judgment when they don't know the whole story. There's always a story....everyone has one. Some of these people are the ones you hoped or wished could be closer to you, but I've found out it doesn't always work that way. (despite how much we wished it to be) But then when I really thought about it, I knew it was ultimately them that lost out on my friendship and loyalty. All because they couldn't truly give me a chance. I have learned to let it go with these people and eventually they will see who I really am. Honestly, even if they don't grow on me or me on them... i've come to terms with the idea that it may just never happen. It's not easy, it's awkward, uncomfortable, hurtful.....but it is what it is and I cannot change it so whatever happens I have resolved myself to coping with it and moving on. It sounds way cliche, but life really is too short. ciao travels, and hope to see you again real soon! ~b

  2. Thanks Bridgett. Yes it is hard to be the new kid on the block. I was their for awhile after my divorce trying to find new circle of friends, and then trying to find my place in my new family. I think we all have come to a understand now, and realize that we all love the same person and just want whats best for him. Even in my own family of sisters, and brother its hard to find my place,there is a huge age gap between us all, and I am the baby.

    I admit though this post was about others whom I have known a long time, and whom I have known their entire life. Like I said I'm not going to name names and put them on blast, But I get so sick of their habitual lying. I know they will never change, I just get sick of dealing with it. Im just glad I dont have to make excuses for them any more. Its not my job. :)
